I jumped and you caught me. Thank you.

Happy Easter Monday! 

Maybe I should start calling it Eater instead of Easter. Because my body is truly about 68% chocolate at this point. But still. It’s lovely living in a country where you get an ENTIRE EXTRA DAY to eat chocolate. And if you live somewhere where Easter is celebrated only on Sunday, I can guarantee you I have had enough chocolate for ALL of us.
I just wanted to give you a little shoutout. I jumped, and you caught me. Last week we reached 100% in the crowdfunding of my new book ‘100 Ways To Save Your Ass In English’. And today we are at 105%. WOOT!  (There are exactly 2 weeks left to order a discounted book, course, or workshop – you can pre-order here.)
It’s really scary to jump.
It’s scarier to jump in public.
It’s even scarier to jump in public and not know where you’re going to land.
But I did it.
And so did you.
You caught me. And how!
This means that not only have you helped yourself to learn English, you have also helped someone else. Now I can personally donate 100 books to 100 refugees at the emergency tent camp where I have been a teacher since September, which was part of the deal when we reached 100%. My students at the camp are so eager to learn and so deeply determined to make a new life for themselves here, I can promise you these books will be gobbled up and consumed so eagerly and earnestly. You will put a smile on someone else’s face and new thoughts in their minds. I cannot thank you enough for that, and I feel I can say that on their behalf.

This is the second time I have completed a successful crowdfunding campaign. I truly believe in the power of the people. Asking for trust, earning it, getting it, and passing it on.
My gratitude is enormous. I don’t know how else I can thank you except to say that my book with make you laugh and learn. It pretty much covers just about everything I know.
Asking is not always easy. I was so inspired by Amanda Palmer’s attitude to it. When it comes to The Art Of Asking, please check her TED Talk about just that. There’s no shame in asking for help. It’s honest, authentic, and I wish more people would do it. So many don’t dare to ask due to their perceived fear of seeming weak.
I honestly could not have published this book  myself without your support. And now I can. For that, and for so many things, I am eternally grateful.
If you are jumping, let me know.
I’ll catch you.
Sending you love (while holding a big net).

X buffi 

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